Nancy Collamer is a career coach, speaker and author of The Back-to-Work Toolkit: A Guide for Comeback Moms and Second-Act Careers: 50+ Ways to Profit From Your Passions During Semi-Retirement. In private practice since 1996, Nancy gained national prominence in her tenure as the Career Transitions columnist for Oxygen Media. She has spoken at venues ranging from Harvard Business School to the California Governors Conference on Women. Her advice has been featured in numerous media outlets including NBC Nightly News, The NY Times, CNN, The Wall Street Journal, Redbook, Ladies Home Journal and Fortune. Nancy holds a M.S. in Career Development, a B.A. in Psychology and is certified as a MBTI administrator. A loyal graduate of UNC/Chapel Hill, she is an avid college basketball fan, a proud mom of two beautiful daughters and a lover of anything chocolate. Based in Old Greenwich, CT, Nancy can be reached by:
TELEPHONE: (203) 698-3160
E-MAIL: [email protected].
In the News
Nancy has been quoted in dozens of articles and appeared on both radio and television interviews. She is within an easy commute of NYC and welcomes media inquires. Below is a sampling of Nancy's media clips:
Greenwich Magazine: Momtrepreneurs: Meet ten women who have found a workable balance between running a business and family
MORE: How to Find the On-Ramp to the Workplace.
O Magazine: Hire Power: Career Makeovers
Redbook: What to Do When You Lose Your Job
TIME: Pack That Parachute (advice for recently laid-off workers).
Woman's Day: The Work-Life Balancing Act
New York Times: Sizing Up Your Skills for a Return to Work
New York Times: Navigating a Delicate Subject: The Layoff of a Friend
New York Times: Back to the Second Shift
USA TODAY: Steps you can take now can ease pain later if you lose your job
Washington Post: A Working Strategy for the Laid-Off
Huffington Post: The 6 Best Careers for Working Moms
MSN Money: A Survival Guide for the Unemployed
Nancy on NBC Nightly News:
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